Saint Xavier University encourages students to bring an international perspective to their degree. Students can fulfill general education (including the global studies requirement) and/or major/minor course requirements through study abroad. Students can participate in short-term or semester abroad programs. SXU offers short-term study tours (one to three weeks) with SXU faculty and students. These study tours are part of a semester long course with travel during school breaks (winter break, spring break or summer semester). SXU students have the opportunity to participate in a semester or academic year abroad through program providers with college students from across the U.S.
Saint Xavier University Credit
Students participating in short-term programs led by SXU faculty will register for the associated course(s) at Saint Xavier. A student participating in a study abroad program sponsored by another accredited U.S. or foreign university may earn Saint Xavier University credit provided the student obtains course approval in advance of the semester abroad. Upon receipt of an official transcript from the non-SXU sponsored program, the courses will be listed in the student's academic record according to the pre-approved SXU course equivalents. Grades earned abroad will be applied toward the student's cumulative GPA.
Participating students in a short-term or semester abroad program are required to be in good academic standing and be 18 years of age or older by the program departure date. SXU sponsored programs require a minimum cumulative 2.0 GPA (or higher depending upon program requirements). SXU course prerequisites may apply.
To participate in non-SXU-sponsored program, students are required to have completed a minimum of 30 credit hours in residence at SXU (minimum of sophomore class standing) and have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 (some programs may have a higher GPA requirement).
SXU students are not permitted to study abroad in destinations under a U.S. State Department Travel Warning.
Financial Aid
Federal and state financial aid, and some SXU institutional aid, can be applied towards the cost of a non-SXU-sponsored semester or academic-year abroad program. Before applying to a study abroad program, students should consult with the Saint Xavier University Financial Aid Office.
Study Abroad Opportunities
Students are encouraged to plan for their semester abroad as early as possible to get started. For more information, interested students can contact the Center for International Education Director, Kelly Reidy, at